“Equally important for a successful strategy development and implementation are vision and an appreciation for detail and for people.”

Her generalist expertise, which she acquired primarily in the areas of strategy, purchasing and category management, allows her to take a holistic strategic perspective and to combine this with the experience gained from operational management responsibility.

According to her experience, the “toolbox” of every person who accompanies change should include proven analytical tools to be able to clearly present the starting situation and the target scenario, the ability to put oneself in the shoes of those involved and to communicate regularly – from change motivation through to the implementation process and feedback on the implementation status. Her main strength lies in the design of change processes that optimally combine all these different elements.

Cosima Becker holds a degree in Business Administration from EBS University of Economics and Law in Oestrich-Winkel, Toulouse (France) and Auckland (New Zealand). The union of theory and practice, which she enjoyed during her studies, she now passes on to others as a part-time lecturer in project management and general business administration.

The mother of two loves travelling (when possible to distant lands), jogging and achieving balance by working in her small garden.
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