„Energy flows where attention goes.“
As a systemic coach and consultant, Gregor Nimz (1977) works with senior managers and junior executives. His work focuses on leadership skills, personal development, stress and conflict management, team development, communication and performance improvement.

He is convinced that motivation and excellence can only be achieved by creating an appropriate environment and the consideration of individual motives, needs, strengths and resources. This applies especially when it comes to mobilizing people in times of change.
For several years, Gregor Nimz headed the “Leadership Development” department for the DACH area in an international corporation. He implemented a motivational environment for learning and development – both for the employees and the organization.

Gregor Nimz brings a very special perspective to all these activities: what can the business world learn from competitive sport? As a former top athlete and professor of industrial and organizational psychology and sport psychology, his great passion lies in the area of mental coaching for athletes, teams and coaches in elite sport.
Teams from the business world as well as executives profit from his experience working with athletes and coaches.

Gregor Nimz particularly enjoys spending his free time with family and friends. He loves to travel – for example to beautiful Edinburgh, Scotland, where he spent two years during his studies.
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